2021-11-08 16:52:09, ȸ : 238 |
1990 Ĺݿ ͳݿ ؼ HTML(HyperText Markup Language) ߽ϴ. ó HTML Ϳ ϴ ڵ HTML ϴ ߽ϴ. ٰ, ʹ ܼ ڸ Ȩ http://www.at.co.kr Ʈϱ ϰ ϴ. ٷ Ű ϴٰ, HTML(+) ǹ̿ (Ȩ Խ) ۵ϴ° ñϴ. մϴ.
̵ (World Wide Web, WWW, W3) ͳ ۹̵(Hypermedia) ˻ϱ Ŭ̾Ʈ- Űó(wide-area client-server architecture)Դϴ. , ȭ ȣ ҽ ˻ϴ ܵ մϴ. ˻ ü ü, (protocols)- ְ İ Ģ ü ȯ (formats) ֿ Ұ ֽϴ.
- ü: URL(Universal Resource Location) ˻ϴ , ͳ ȣƮ ̸ Ͽ մϴ. ġ ĺ IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)- ͳ ǥȭ ⱸ ϰ ֽϴ. Ʈũ ϸ URN(Universal Resource Numbers) 纻 URL Ȯ ֽϴ.
- ͳ ˻ϱ ǻ (de facto protocols): FTP(File Transfer Protocol)- , NNTP(Network News Transfer Protocol)-Ʈũ , WAIS(wide area information server)- , Gopher(Gopher protocol) HTTP((HyperText Transfer Protocol) մϴ. ڴ World Wide Web Ư Ǿ ȯ MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) մϴ.
- ؽƮ ũ ϴ : پ ÷ ִ URL URN մϴ. HTML+ ҿ HTML ļ ǰ ˴ϴ.
HTML+ ̹, , MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) ȭ, μ ٰ ӿũ ƮũƮ Ÿ پ ̵ ؽƮ ũ ϴ մϴ. ũ ο ̸ ǥ ҽ ۷ι ֽϴ. ҽ ʹ ڰ Ű带 ˻ ֵ ϴ Ͽ ֽϴ. HTML+ HTTP Ӹ ƴ϶ ̸ϰ Ʈũ ȯ ˴ϴ.
HTML+ HTML ̸ ̺, ĸ ִ ͺ̽ Ǵ Ϸ İ Ŀ ѿ(roll over) ֵ Ǿϴ. ū Ǵ Ͻ Ž ũ Ͽ ð ̱ ֽϴ. ʾȿ Ŀ ߰ϴ ȵ ԵǾ ֽϴ. HTML+ ϳ ̻ ҷ ˴ϴ.
- Header
± H1, H2, ... H6 Ÿ ˴ϴ. H1 ߿ϸ ū ۲ * 1( ߾ӿ ġ) ˴ϴ. H2 H6 ߿ϸ Ϲ ۲÷ ÷ ˴ϴ. ̸ ǿ ؾ ϸ ü մϴ. ϴ. 1 3 ֽϴ. Ҵ ؽƮ ũ ϱ ĺڸ ֽϴ.
) *{h1 id="intro"}Introduction to HTML+{/h1}
- ܶ(Paragraphs) *{P}
*{P} ̰ HTML+ ٲ 䱸 ʱ ۵մϴ. ܶ ؽƮ øϴ.
** less than sign & lt; <, greater than sign & gt; >, the double quote sign & quot; ", en space & ensp; (), non breaking space & nbsp; (ݰ),
copyright sign & copy; ©, trade mark sign & trade; , registered sign & reg; , ؽƮ ũ HREF(hypertext reference) {a href="xxx"}xxxxx{/a}
*{s}strike through{/s} strike through, {tt}fixed pitch{/tt} fixed pitch, {EM}normal emphasis{/EM} normal emphasis,
*{img align=top width=30 src="http://at.co.kr/at.ico"} I made http://at.co.kr in 1997 and designed the icon of my homepage. At that time the browser was Netscape.
I made http://at.co.kr in 1997 and designed the icon of my homepage. At that time the browser was Netscape.
*{a href="http://at.co.kr"} {image align=top width=30 src = "http://at.co.kr/at.ico"} http://at.co.kr{/image} {/a}
*Click {a href="http://at.co.kr"}here{/a} for more information!
Click here for more information!
- (List)
*{OL}{LI}Wake up{LI}Get dressed{LI}Have breakfast {LI}Drive to work{/OL} (ordered list)
- Wake up
- Get dressed
- Have breakfast
- Drive to work
*{UL}{LI}Wake up{LI}Get dressed{LI}Have breakfast{LI}Drive to work{/UL} (undefined list)
- Wake up
- Get dressed
- Have breakfast
- Drive to work
*{DL}{DT}King Henry{DD}I myself heard the King say he would not be ransomed.
{DT}Williams{DD}Ay, he said so, to make us fight cheerfully: but when our throats are cut ... {/DL} (definition list)- King Henry
- I myself heard theKing say he would not be ransomed.
- Williams
- Ay, he said so, to make us fight cheerfully: but when our throats are cut ...
- Figures [⼭ ۵ ]
- ̺(Table)
TH Ҵ Ӹ (cell) ؽƮ տ TD Ҵ ؽƮ տ ɴϴ. TR Ҵ ̺ ϴ ˴ϴ.
*{table border}{caption}A simple table{/caption}
{th}Year {th}Month {th}Day {tr}
{td}1972 {td}June {td}23rd {tr}
{td}1982 {td}October {td}7th{/table}A simple tableYear | Month | Day | 1972 | June | 23rd | 1982 | October | 7th |
(row) (column) SPAN Բ յ ֽϴ. ⺻ ؽƮ ߾ӿ ALIGN ġ ֽϴ.
*{table border}{caption}A more complex table{/caption}
{th rowspan=2}{th colspan=2}average{th rowspan=2}other{br}category{tr}
{th}height {th}weight {tr}
{th align=left}males {td}1.9 {td}0.003 {td}yyy {tr}
{th align=left}females {td}1.7 {td}0.002 {td}xxx{/table}A more complex table | average | other category | height | weight |
males | 1.9 | 0.003 | yyy |
females | 1.7 | 0.002 | xxx |
- (Forms) [Ȩ ⺻ ]
- Literal Ǵ -ȭ(preformatted) ؽƮ [⼭ ۵ ]
- [MATH ۵ ]
*H(s) = {sub}0{/sub}{sup}{/sup} e{sup}-st{/sup} h(t) dt{
H(s) = 0 e-st h(t) dt * { } ſ < > ǥϸ, HTML νϿ µ.
** &xxxx; & xxxx; ǥ. (HTML ǥ)
p.s. Ȩ ó Netscape, Explorer ٸ, (?) browser ־.^^ |